Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 4 June 2012

8 months old

On one of the night, you woke up and want to be latch to sleep, mummy told daddy that she is going to the toilet first before latching you and you screamed your head off and wake almost everyone in the house up. Haiz.. Daddy carried you but you still kept crying and mummy had to come in to carry you. Hopefully, its a phrase and you will out grow of it soon.

On 3 June 2012, we had a photo shoot at Lower Peirce Reservoir, you were not in your best of mood but we had a fun time nevertheless. Mummy almost forgot about it and went to get you a Liverpool romper to match Daddy and Mummy Liverpool Jersey just 2 days before it and the 3 of us were decked in red. The photo shoot took about an hour and we had 170+ pictures. Towards the end of it, you were getting sleepy and were not so cooperative.
A collage of a few photos from the shoot

After the shoot, we made our way to collect your new toy - Little tikes tricycle, Daddy assembled it that evening and we went for a walk. You love it and keep wanting to stand up. To make space for your new toy, Mummy had to keep your jumperoo. Hopefully, you won't miss your jumperoo.

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