Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 29 May 2012


Yesterday, we brought you along to work cause Grandma had an appointment with the dentist. We went to return some stuff and Mummy left you and Daddy in the car. When mummy returned 5 to 10 minutes later, Mummy saw Daddy waving to ask me to hurry up and mummy was shocked to see you crying badly in the front seat on Daddy's lap.

Daddy said you started crying after Mummy left the car and all his tricks did not work to coax you even after carrying you out of the car seat. You were so happy to see Mummy back and finally calm down and stop crying after Mummy hug you for awhile. Haiz. Sticky Baby Ashton.

On a side note, some interesting thing about you:

  • You are very happy when we are at the lift lobby and will keep smiling all the way till we exit the lift.
  • You like to look at this sign when we are on our way out and will smile while looking at it. 
  • If you are outside the door with Grandma, no matter how hard Mummy call you, you will ignore and don't look at me and won't stretch out your hands to let me carry

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