Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday 17 June 2012

1st Staycation and Uncle Denny's Wedding

We attended Uncle Denny and Aunty Joann wedding on 16 June 2012 at Carlton Hotel. Daddy booked a room at the hotel and we had our first staycation.

We brought you to the swimming pool to swim with your float but you don't seem to like the float and mummy had to carry you whle both of us sat in the baby swimming pool and play with the water. You had a great time splashing the water but Daddy had to left us 10 minutes after we were in the pool as he had to help Uncle Denny with his wedding preparation.

In the lift going back to our room

You fell asleep at 6+pm and we carried you to the banquet hall at7+pm and you continue to sleep amid all the noise and talking in the banquet hall. After you are awake, mummy told grandma to carry you for 10-15 more minutes before letting other people carry you as you need time to warm up and if we were to let other people carry you immediately, you might be in a bad mood for the rest of the dinner.

You enjoyed the attention and smiled at everyone who looked at you or called your name, you were not grouchy and most of the relatives carried you and played with you.

Family picture outside the ballroom

Inside the lift

You prefer the float on dry land rather than in the pool.

Having your last nap in the hotel room.

Love you, Daddy and Mummy's little boy!

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