Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 15 June 2012

New haircut

You had your second haircut on 9 June 2012. Daddy brought you to Toys R Us to play with the toys while Mummy and Hoon yiyi were shopping at Vivo. Daddy saw kids cutting hair inside Toys R Us and we decided to give you a hair cut too.

The hair stylist aunty passed you a toy and placed it on your lap for you to play but you were more interested in the noise coming from the razor. Hoon Yiyi took a video of your haircut.

You in your tricycle in your new hair cut.

外公 says you have two pairs of eyebrows and mummy realised that when you frown, there is a very deep line above your eyebrows and it made it seems like you have 2 pairs of eyebrows.

 You can finally moved forward when you are on fours but your tummy is on the ground and you kicked yourself from the floor and your face will be on the ground rubbing your way to the front.

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