Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 22 May 2012

First Fall

Last Sunday, you fell down from the bed due to Daddy's and Mummy's neglience and we decided that we should each assume 50% liability. You landed face down on the floor and had a big bump on your head. You were inconsolable and crying so badly that grandma brought you down for a walk and when mummy tried to carry you over, you hang on to grandma for dear life. After mummy carried you over, you were still crying and mummy sang Twinkle Twinkle little star for you and you fall asleep.

On a happier note, Daddy went on a business trip to the states again and bought lots of clothes for you AGAIN. A very good bargain, all of it for usd71.

You attended a birthday party for the first time!! Yiwen yiyi's boy-Xi yuan first year birthday party. You love the helium balloons that was around the house and had a great
time playing with the balloons.


You love music and always dance to it. Even when there's no music and you are in a good mood, you will dance too.

Daddy and mummy wish that you can stay happy, cheerful and healthy. Love you!

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