Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 7 May 2012


"Milestones" for the past few weeks:
  • Stranger's anxiety - You begin to recognize people and do not allow unfamiliar people to carry you. Everyday, when mummy reach home, you will lean forward and ask her to carry you.
  • Feeding - You prefer cereal over porridge and can finish up one small bowl of porridge. Nowadays, you will have cereal for breakfast, porridge for lunch and dinner.
  • Going out - You love going out and your face light up the moment you see the lift.
  • Leaning forward - When sitting down and you saw a toy not within your reach, you will lean forward and try to reach it. Usually, you will land sideway or face down and scream for help after that.
  • Attention - You cannot be leave alone to play toy/sit in the jumperoo, if you see that no one is around, you will make noise to get someone to accompany you.
  • Music - When you hear music, you will sway left and right and that is so adorable.

At Lawry's for lunch to celebrate 外公's birthday. 

A video of you playing on the swing

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