Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday 17 June 2012

1st Staycation and Uncle Denny's Wedding

We attended Uncle Denny and Aunty Joann wedding on 16 June 2012 at Carlton Hotel. Daddy booked a room at the hotel and we had our first staycation.

We brought you to the swimming pool to swim with your float but you don't seem to like the float and mummy had to carry you whle both of us sat in the baby swimming pool and play with the water. You had a great time splashing the water but Daddy had to left us 10 minutes after we were in the pool as he had to help Uncle Denny with his wedding preparation.

In the lift going back to our room

You fell asleep at 6+pm and we carried you to the banquet hall at7+pm and you continue to sleep amid all the noise and talking in the banquet hall. After you are awake, mummy told grandma to carry you for 10-15 more minutes before letting other people carry you as you need time to warm up and if we were to let other people carry you immediately, you might be in a bad mood for the rest of the dinner.

You enjoyed the attention and smiled at everyone who looked at you or called your name, you were not grouchy and most of the relatives carried you and played with you.

Family picture outside the ballroom

Inside the lift

You prefer the float on dry land rather than in the pool.

Having your last nap in the hotel room.

Love you, Daddy and Mummy's little boy!

Friday 15 June 2012

New haircut

You had your second haircut on 9 June 2012. Daddy brought you to Toys R Us to play with the toys while Mummy and Hoon yiyi were shopping at Vivo. Daddy saw kids cutting hair inside Toys R Us and we decided to give you a hair cut too.

The hair stylist aunty passed you a toy and placed it on your lap for you to play but you were more interested in the noise coming from the razor. Hoon Yiyi took a video of your haircut.

You in your tricycle in your new hair cut.

外公 says you have two pairs of eyebrows and mummy realised that when you frown, there is a very deep line above your eyebrows and it made it seems like you have 2 pairs of eyebrows.

 You can finally moved forward when you are on fours but your tummy is on the ground and you kicked yourself from the floor and your face will be on the ground rubbing your way to the front.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Insect Bite

Last Tuesday, you had an insect bite above your eyelid, 1-2 bites on your face and a few more on your leg. At night, you woke up at 3+am and refused to go back to sleep and kept making funny noise with your eyes closed. Mummy got no choice but to wake you up and you were much happier, Daddy kept you company while you watch youtube on ipad. Finally, at 4+am, you were tired and mummy latch you to sleep.

The next morning, your eyelid was swollen and your eyes became odd sizes. Your ankle was also swollen due to the insect bite.  We called your PD Dr Chan but he was on overseas leave so we had to search for another PD near our place, we brought you to Dr Winston at Kidslink. Dr Winston explained that your eyelid is swollen because you scratch the insect bite, causing the wound to be exposed and the bacteria on our skin which is usually harmless, enter through the wound and caused your swollen eyelid. We were given antibiotics,  a medicine to stop the itch, an eye drop for your eye and another cream for your the insect bites on your leg. We spent $128.40 on this visit but it was money well spent cause the swell subside after a day's medication but feeding you medicines is a nightmare cause you kept struggling and there was one time you vomited everything out including your dinner. Now, you are more used to it and won't struggle so much but you just refused to open your mouth.

On a happier note, we brought you a straw cup cause you don't seem to like drinking from a sippy cup and seeing how you love to snatch our drink and drink from our straw(although Mummy and Daddy will press it so nothing goes into your mouth). You loved the straw cup and had been using it for one to two weeks.

Monday 4 June 2012

8 months old

On one of the night, you woke up and want to be latch to sleep, mummy told daddy that she is going to the toilet first before latching you and you screamed your head off and wake almost everyone in the house up. Haiz.. Daddy carried you but you still kept crying and mummy had to come in to carry you. Hopefully, its a phrase and you will out grow of it soon.

On 3 June 2012, we had a photo shoot at Lower Peirce Reservoir, you were not in your best of mood but we had a fun time nevertheless. Mummy almost forgot about it and went to get you a Liverpool romper to match Daddy and Mummy Liverpool Jersey just 2 days before it and the 3 of us were decked in red. The photo shoot took about an hour and we had 170+ pictures. Towards the end of it, you were getting sleepy and were not so cooperative.
A collage of a few photos from the shoot

After the shoot, we made our way to collect your new toy - Little tikes tricycle, Daddy assembled it that evening and we went for a walk. You love it and keep wanting to stand up. To make space for your new toy, Mummy had to keep your jumperoo. Hopefully, you won't miss your jumperoo.