Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sitting up and flipping

BB Ashton can sit up pretty well now, he can sit and play his toys himself. This makes our life easier as we no longer has to hold on to him while he plays with his toys.

Daddy bought a few outfit for him from his trip to the States and below is a Pooh outfit from the disney store. The hat looks a bit hip hop style cause daddy bought size 12-18months. hehe.. But he still looks very cute in it.

These few days, I realised he can flip very well, most babies learnt to flip before sitting but for Ashton, it seems to come in a package of flipping and sitting. I was latching him and halfway through, he flipped and continued latching, I flipped him back and he flipped over again, I had to call my mum to come into the room and she gave him a lecture before he behaved himself.

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