Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 12 March 2012

Daddy first business trip

You had your first trip to Changi Airport yesterday but you were there not to take a plane, you were there to send Daddy off on his first business trip. We interrupted your sleep and changed you at 6+am and you were not very happy about it but luckily, you fall asleep on our way there.

At night, when it was bed time, you kept turning to the side where Daddy usually sleeps to look for him to play with you but you can't find him there and you turned back and look at me and this process repeated a few times. Mummy off the light and lied to you and said that Daddy is sleeping and you finally decide to sleep.

Baby Ashton must be a nice boy when Daddy is overseas ok? Daddy is bringing alot of toys back for you to play.

On a happier note, you love to play mahjong, maybe to you, they looks like toys so you enjoy sitting on our lap and "play" mahjong together. Here is a video of you playing:

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