Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 8 March 2012

New toys

Every morning after Ashton wakes up, he will turn to his dad and disturb him by scratching his pillows, touching his hands/face, calling him and etc.. to wake his dad up to carry him. While the disturbance is going on, I will call him but he usually ignores me and continue disturbing his dad. Hehe. His dad finds it cute and annoying at the same time. 

We bought Ashton a new toy - an imitation of the bumbo chair with a cart. He looks very happy in it and even happier when we push him around but the handle is abit too low so I will sit down and just move him around the spot.


"Studying" his new toy

He still cant flip completely yet and he only flips when he wants milk, I think he's just too lazy to flip but he is starting to learn to sit and enjoy playing his jumperoo. He starting to use his hands to reach out for the toys hanging from his jumperoo and it's interesting to see Ashton's development even in the smallest thing.

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