Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 27 January 2012

1st Lunar New Year

Ashton celebrated his 1st Lunar New Year with us.

My bestie bought him a traditional romper for this occasion (Thanks so much, Hoon!!) and he look like a big ang bao in it.  Everybody just adores him and wants to carry and play with him but due to the crowd at the various places that we went, he was pretty cranky and we have to pacify him every now and then.

He watched his first dragon and lion dance, all thanks to Uncle Edmund's dinner invitation. Hopefully next year during Lunar New Year, he will get another chance to watch it again and hopefully, he can appreciate it.

Not sure since when but baby boy knew how to flip from his back to his tummy but one of his hand always get caught halfway. He keep giggling nowadays and will laugh out loud. I will post about our visit to Sentosa for the flower exhibtion in the next post.

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