Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday 5 February 2012

1st Flu

Ashton caught his first flu last Wednesday, it started with mild coughing and escalated to phlegm, blocked n runny nose. He was very cranky and clingy when he was sick. Brought him to the GP on Wednesday and tried the medication but it didn't work and we stopped it after a day.

Ashton keep screaming(I think the amount of screaming for these few days that he's sick=the amount of screaming he did for 4 months) and he was very selective in people carrying him, we have to keep playing with him and we cannot stop, if not, he will scream and the worse thing was, my mum(he adores my mum and "listen" to her) was busy helping my uncle and could not help me with looking after baby boy. Luckily, hb took leave and help me with him, if not, I think I will be totally drained.

On Thursday, Hb and I saw Ashton having blocked nose and wanted to bring him to his PD for consultation, hb called and his PD wasn't on duty. Since Friday was his PD appointment for assessment and vaccination, we waited for one more day before bringing him to visit his PD. PD asked who's the first in the family to caught the flu, hb and I took a look at each other and said no one. haha. PD said he must have caught it outside, he gave us some medication and said to stop the cough syrup that was given by the GP as it was not advisable for baby to take cough syrup. After this episode, hb and I agreed in the future, if baby fall sick, we will not bring baby to GP for consultation anymore and will find a PD clinic near our place for consultation.

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