Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 16 January 2012

Ashton's 1st night out

This is the first time Ashton did not sleep at my parents' place for the night. We move over to my parents-in-law's place for the night and baby ashton is really very 厉害。

I stepped into the house and passed my baby boy to my mother in law while I went upstairs to pack the stuff. About half an hour later, I hear my naughty boy's cry. I walked down and MIL was asking baby what's wrong and I started singing his favourite song-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he was alternating between his smile and pout.

He knows its night time and don't want to play with his grandma and he's looking for his caregivers. I brought him upstairs to play with his dad and he's all smiles again.

This morning, he was cranky and refuse to sleep, I had to bring him out to the garden for a walk and he slept after a 1 minute walk. Very naughty boy!! and now, he's sound asleep with his mouth wide open and I can have some rest.

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