Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 31 October 2013

Upcoming graduation at Star Tots

Teacher Esther mentioned that your playgroup is having a small scale graduation ceremony where the kiddos will sing a song and dance for the parents to watch on 15 Nov. You still cannot speak much after attending playgroup but Mummy think that you are just a late bloomer and you will speak properly when you are ready.

Your playgroup always issue a letter indicating what you will learn from week 1 to 5 or week 6 to 10 every term at the beginning of the week and mid term, for eg. phonics for letter V to X, theme: utensils, nature, math: counting to 8, shape of crescent, science concept: wet and dry and etc.. (there's 9-11 items on he letter)

Teacher Esther is very nice to you and always let us know when you misbehave in class, why you cry, why you throw tantrum. Mummy and Daddy is sending you to childcare/pre-nursery next year depending on whether there is a space for you at our nearby childcare centre, if not you will have to take a school bus to a church kindergarten. Hope that you have enjoy your time at the playgroup which Mummy thinks you did cause you can name a few of your classmates when you seldom call Mummy.

Stay healthy, Ashton! Mei mei Nichelle will meet you next year March!

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