Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cute Antics

You entered the so-called terrible 2 stage but Mummy found you more amusing rather than terrible.

1) Recently, cause you have been pooing 1-3 times a day, mummy bought a few different brands of pants diapers for you cause to save money (you refuse to wear tape diapers). You saw the diaper (Mamy poko easy pants-yellow packaging), you flipped it around and screamed, wailed, cried, refusing to wear it and walk over and took your usual diaper packaging (Mamy poko boys-blue packaging) and insist that you only want to wear that. We struggled for 5 minutes before we finally gave in to a crying Ashton. For the next few days we repeat this cycle 2-3 times a day, sometimes, 外婆managed to make you put it on but you will continued to cry for 5-10 minutes after it was bring put on.

2) You climbed up to the piano, Daddy and Mummy had a very bad scare and Daddy rushed over but not to carry you down but to guard you and see what you are trying to get from on top of the piano (now, you know who really spoils you), you took you class photo and showed it to Mummy and just kept looking at it. Mummy began to ask you "where is jackie (teacher esther, jieyi and etc..)?" and you were able to point out your classmates to Mummy.

3) When we go out and you are sitting in the car seat, you will lift your hear away from the car seat and wait for Daddy to brake so that you can "slam" your head into the car seat.

4) There is a fun fair downstairs, you had a train ride and after that, you kept looking at the pirate ship ride so we bought you and Daddy tickets to have a go and you were very excited on the ride, no sign of fear but daddy was a bit giddy after the ride. A few days later, you went for the train and pirate ship rides again.

5) Mummy was drinking water and you came over and took a sip, you went off, came back with the ice scoop with a ice cube in it and add it to Mummy's cup and continue drinking from Mummy's cup.

Mummy will update again when mummy remembers or when you acted funny again. hehe.

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