Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 31 October 2013

Upcoming graduation at Star Tots

Teacher Esther mentioned that your playgroup is having a small scale graduation ceremony where the kiddos will sing a song and dance for the parents to watch on 15 Nov. You still cannot speak much after attending playgroup but Mummy think that you are just a late bloomer and you will speak properly when you are ready.

Your playgroup always issue a letter indicating what you will learn from week 1 to 5 or week 6 to 10 every term at the beginning of the week and mid term, for eg. phonics for letter V to X, theme: utensils, nature, math: counting to 8, shape of crescent, science concept: wet and dry and etc.. (there's 9-11 items on he letter)

Teacher Esther is very nice to you and always let us know when you misbehave in class, why you cry, why you throw tantrum. Mummy and Daddy is sending you to childcare/pre-nursery next year depending on whether there is a space for you at our nearby childcare centre, if not you will have to take a school bus to a church kindergarten. Hope that you have enjoy your time at the playgroup which Mummy thinks you did cause you can name a few of your classmates when you seldom call Mummy.

Stay healthy, Ashton! Mei mei Nichelle will meet you next year March!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cute Antics

You entered the so-called terrible 2 stage but Mummy found you more amusing rather than terrible.

1) Recently, cause you have been pooing 1-3 times a day, mummy bought a few different brands of pants diapers for you cause to save money (you refuse to wear tape diapers). You saw the diaper (Mamy poko easy pants-yellow packaging), you flipped it around and screamed, wailed, cried, refusing to wear it and walk over and took your usual diaper packaging (Mamy poko boys-blue packaging) and insist that you only want to wear that. We struggled for 5 minutes before we finally gave in to a crying Ashton. For the next few days we repeat this cycle 2-3 times a day, sometimes, 外婆managed to make you put it on but you will continued to cry for 5-10 minutes after it was bring put on.

2) You climbed up to the piano, Daddy and Mummy had a very bad scare and Daddy rushed over but not to carry you down but to guard you and see what you are trying to get from on top of the piano (now, you know who really spoils you), you took you class photo and showed it to Mummy and just kept looking at it. Mummy began to ask you "where is jackie (teacher esther, jieyi and etc..)?" and you were able to point out your classmates to Mummy.

3) When we go out and you are sitting in the car seat, you will lift your hear away from the car seat and wait for Daddy to brake so that you can "slam" your head into the car seat.

4) There is a fun fair downstairs, you had a train ride and after that, you kept looking at the pirate ship ride so we bought you and Daddy tickets to have a go and you were very excited on the ride, no sign of fear but daddy was a bit giddy after the ride. A few days later, you went for the train and pirate ship rides again.

5) Mummy was drinking water and you came over and took a sip, you went off, came back with the ice scoop with a ice cube in it and add it to Mummy's cup and continue drinking from Mummy's cup.

Mummy will update again when mummy remembers or when you acted funny again. hehe.

Monday 30 September 2013

2nd birthday BBQ and Phuket 2013

We had an early celebration for your second birthday by travelling to Phuket on 20 Sep, Mummy had a very relax trip while Daddy was busy entertaining you by visiting the Kids Club and swimming in the pool. We stayed at Vijitt Resort and the place was awesome. There's a child pool with a large basket of toys for you to play in the pool, a Kids Club with toys and ball pool, playing sand by the beach and sitting on the buggy when we travel around the resort.

We went elephant trekking and you had a fun time feeding the elephant, you kept walking to feed the banana into their mouth not knowing they grab the food with their trunk before putting it in their mouth. Amazingly, 10 minutes into the elephant ride, you fell asleep on it and continue sleeping through the 30 minutes ride. Daddy commented that you had travel via so many mode of transport (plane, boat, water buffalo, elephant, cable car) when you are not even 2.

We had a BBQ with our family to celebrate your birthday and you enjoyed watching 小舅 and 叔叔 playing pool and when we sang you your birthday song.
At Vijitt's restaurant

Sleeping on the comfortable bed

With the water buffalo

Look at the smirk face

Family photo with the friendly elephants

Feeding the elephant

On top the elephant

With our friendly mahout and a sleeping baby

Mini Birthday cake

Cutting the cake

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Korea and Sentosa Staycation

Mummy has been lazy and not update the blog regularly.

Just a quick update. You can finally call 妈 loud and clear and call 外婆 "阿妈”. That makes two very happy people in the family but it makes 外公very jealous too. hehe. Mummy is wondering whether is it because you know that competition is coming that you suddenly decide to call us or maybe the food from our Korean trip "open" up your vocabulary.

Staycation at Sentosa

We had a staycation at Sentosa from 12 to 13 June staying at Hard Rock Hotel. We visited the SEA aquarium and Adventure Cove with 外婆, 外公 & 小舅舅on the first day. You cannot really understand the concept of the aquarium yet and to you, it's just a big playground for you to run around. Mummy carried you to touch the starfish in the tank but you were more interested in splashing the water in it.

After checking in the hotel room, we went to Adventure cove, we had a great time there. Daddy and mummy brought you to the slide area and carried you and slide down and you loved it, we took the slide 4,5 times before we brought you to the lazy river. You refused to nap even when it was 4pm but when Daddy sat on the float and you sat on top of him, after 5 min, you fell asleep on him. hehe. After that, 外婆 and 外公 brought you back to the hotel while the rest of us stayed on.

The next day, Daddy and Mummy brought you to Sentosa Luge and we think you like speed and excitement, Daddy sat with me on the same luge and you did not move around but let him drove you down. We will be back for more fun time in Sentosa!

Malaysia Day Trip

We went for a day trip visiting fruit farm, ostrich farm and firefly ride with Daddy's friend by joining a local tour group. You did not like the firefly boat ride as it was dark and you were scared of the dark. As usual, your favourite activity was animal feeding and on this trip, we fed the ostriches and goats.

South Korea trip 

You are a lucky baby boy, you travel overseas at least once a year and this year, we went to South Korea with Mama and 叔叔 with Mama paying for the tour packages. You are the only child in the tour group and the jiejie likes to play with you, you had a lot of fun during the trip running around and torturing Daddy and Mummy.

We were sightseeing at one of the mountains and we decided not to climb the steps up to the peak and turn towards the sea direction after a flight of the stairs, when we make a turn and took pictures there, you started pulling mummy towards the flight of stairs and shown intention that you want to go up the further. Mummy told you cannot cause she got no strength but you were very insistent. Daddy who always said Mummy spoilt you, carried you up and brought you up the flight of stairs while Mama and Mummy went towards the sea sightseeing direction.

to be continued when Mummy has time.......

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Fun Day at Animal Resort (Seletar farmway)

Last Sunday, we met with Daddy's friends for Lunch, after that they wanted to go to somewhere else for dessert but we skipped that as were really full and Daddy has a sore throat. Instead, we brought you to the Animal Resort.

You love animals and you were never afraid to chase them around. It was fun watching you chasing the chickens, ducks, cranes and feeding the horse. You enjoyed feeding the horse and kept on giggling and Daddy went to buy more horse feed (carrot) to let you continue feeding the horse. Mummy was carrying you and there was a mis-aim and your hand was in the horse mouth too but you laughed it off instead of being scared.

The rabbits there should be very well-fed as they are not interested in the rabbit feed. Chickens are scared of human and ran away every time we got too near. Ducks are oblivious to the surrounding and the feed have to land right in front of them before they will eat it. The horse is very tame and will come near us when we have food for it. After us, a Caucasian couple came with the son and the Uncle taught us how we should feed the horse but he came too late and we ran out of food, he said we should placed the food on our palm instead of holding it out to him, if we hold it out, our fingers might be bitten. Mummy thinks that was what happened to you. hehe.. Next time we will be more careful when feeding the horse.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Star Tots Playgroup

We decided to enrol you at the Star tots daily playgroup across the street once you turn 18 months this April and stop your weekend playgroup at GUG (Daddy said its too far away).

We are allowed to accompany you for 1 hour at your daily playgroup for the first 3 days, waipo left you there alone for the first 2 days and when mummy send you there on the third day, you pulled mummy into the classroom. You enjoyed yourself playing with the toys and Teacher Esther's singing but you still tend to roam around the classroom as and when you like. The fourth day, you had to be on your own in the classroom for 2 hours and when waigong and waipo went to pick you up, Teacher Esther said you kept crying in the classroom and you were all smiles when they went to pick you up. 

Now, you are very wary of entering other people's house for fear that they might "locked" you up. You used to walk into our neighbour's place like you are staying there but today you do not even dare to step in. 

Hopefully, you will get used to it soon and enjoy your playgroup for the future lessons, make more friends and be more disclipined.
Posing for photo
Spotted your bag at the door

Off you go without your shoes

Mummy caught you back to put on your shoes

Playing toys

Smiling at the camera

Monday 25 February 2013

CNY 2013

Lazy mummy had not been updating your blog regularly, it had been 3,4 months since she updated. Let's have a quick update.

You ended dragon year with a bang literally by felling down the bed and landing on the floor. Daddy was trying to make you sleep but you crawled around the bed and fell down. You had a big bruise on your forehead and you became a panda 3 days later when the blue-black around your eyes appeared.

We went to Uncle Edmond's place for Chinese New Year and watched Dragon and Lion Dance performance. You were scared by the loud noise and after the Dragon Dance, we had to walk you around the place to pacify you.

Your cousin came to our place and you had a great time playing with her. We also brought you to hokey pokey to play with your friends. You enjoyed yourself with the slides and kitchen set, maybe next time we will go to some other indoor playground and try it out.

We attended a wedding lunch on the last day of LNY and you were not as excited as you are usually, Daddy had to bring you out for a walk before you are back to your usual self. We found a new playground near Hoon's yiyi place and you adored the hammock-swing and tried to get down, pushed it yourself and almost fell down. A picture of you with Enen meimei and Daddy, you get jealous whenever we carry meimei and will come over and fight for attention. Mummy was carrying meimei on my left leg and you had to walk over and climb over my right leg and sit there.

The other day, you fell down at home and mummy laughed at you saying it's your fault for running around the house, mummy is not going to sayang you but you cried even louder and walked over to the dining table where mummy is sitting. Your next action made all of us laughed, you knock your head lightly against the dining table 2,3 times as if telling us that now, you are in pain and wants mummy to sayang you. Mummy lost the battle, carried you up and sayang you and you will finally satisfied and after one hug, you went down and started running around again.