Mummy has been lazy and not update the blog regularly.
Just a quick update. You can finally call 妈 loud and clear and call 外婆 "阿妈”. That makes two very happy people in the family but it makes 外公very jealous too. hehe. Mummy is wondering whether is it because you know that competition is coming that you suddenly decide to call us or maybe the food from our Korean trip "open" up your vocabulary.
Staycation at Sentosa
We had a staycation at Sentosa from 12 to 13 June staying at Hard Rock Hotel. We visited the SEA aquarium and Adventure Cove with 外婆, 外公 & 小舅舅on the first day. You cannot really understand the concept of the aquarium yet and to you, it's just a big playground for you to run around. Mummy carried you to touch the starfish in the tank but you were more interested in splashing the water in it.
After checking in the hotel room, we went to Adventure cove, we had a great time there. Daddy and mummy brought you to the slide area and carried you and slide down and you loved it, we took the slide 4,5 times before we brought you to the lazy river. You refused to nap even when it was 4pm but when Daddy sat on the float and you sat on top of him, after 5 min, you fell asleep on him. hehe. After that, 外婆 and 外公 brought you back to the hotel while the rest of us stayed on.
The next day, Daddy and Mummy brought you to Sentosa Luge and we think you like speed and excitement, Daddy sat with me on the same luge and you did not move around but let him drove you down. We will be back for more fun time in Sentosa!

Malaysia Day Trip
We went for a day trip visiting fruit farm, ostrich farm and firefly ride with Daddy's friend by joining a local tour group. You did not like the firefly boat ride as it was dark and you were scared of the dark. As usual, your favourite activity was animal feeding and on this trip, we fed the ostriches and goats.
South Korea trip
You are a lucky baby boy, you travel overseas at least once a year and this year, we went to South Korea with Mama and 叔叔 with Mama paying for the tour packages. You are the only child in the tour group and the jiejie likes to play with you, you had a lot of fun during the trip running around and torturing Daddy and Mummy.
We were sightseeing at one of the mountains and we decided not to climb the steps up to the peak and turn towards the sea direction after a flight of the stairs, when we make a turn and took pictures there, you started pulling mummy towards the flight of stairs and shown intention that you want to go up the further. Mummy told you cannot cause she got no strength but you were very insistent. Daddy who always said Mummy spoilt you, carried you up and brought you up the flight of stairs while Mama and Mummy went towards the sea sightseeing direction.
to be continued when Mummy has time.......