Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 13 July 2012


2 nights back, you suddenly vomited at 5am while you are sleeping, mummy thought its a one off thing like the previous time and wanted to latch you and let you sleep but you vomited again. Daddy and Mummy woke up and kept you company for 1-2 hours before you get back to sleep. Mummy was afraid that she passed her diarrhoea bacteria to you but luckily you did not vomit again after that.

You attended 2 weddings last weekend, both grooms are Daddy's secondary school friends so we met Daddy's friends for 2 consecutive nights. On the first night, other than Uncle peanut, you did not really want to let other uncles carry you but on the second night, maybe you started to recognize their faces and warm up to them, you let the Uncles carry you and you were being passed around the table and entertaining the Uncles.

Learning to crawl

Drinking from a cup

Cutting hair

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