Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 26 July 2012

Cute act

Last night, you were flippping around the bed and refused to sleep. Mummy were hugging you and started singing you nursery rhymes, mummy got tired and Daddy started singing and you moved over and leaned on Daddy. hehe. You are acting as if you must be near to the person who is singing to you and Mummy found it so sweet that you automatically move towards Daddy when he is singing for you.

We received a hand me down playpen from our neighbour and you like to me in it, holding on to the side walking around it, watching tv from it.

Most importantly, Mummy heard you calling "mama" yesterday for the first time, about 2-3 months after you learnt how to call "dada". Love you, baby boy!

Sexy boy

<--Standing up and grabbing everything within reach

Trapped in a basket-->

Legendary eyelid and the cute mouth

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