Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 26 July 2012

Cute act

Last night, you were flippping around the bed and refused to sleep. Mummy were hugging you and started singing you nursery rhymes, mummy got tired and Daddy started singing and you moved over and leaned on Daddy. hehe. You are acting as if you must be near to the person who is singing to you and Mummy found it so sweet that you automatically move towards Daddy when he is singing for you.

We received a hand me down playpen from our neighbour and you like to me in it, holding on to the side walking around it, watching tv from it.

Most importantly, Mummy heard you calling "mama" yesterday for the first time, about 2-3 months after you learnt how to call "dada". Love you, baby boy!

Sexy boy

<--Standing up and grabbing everything within reach

Trapped in a basket-->

Legendary eyelid and the cute mouth

Friday 13 July 2012


2 nights back, you suddenly vomited at 5am while you are sleeping, mummy thought its a one off thing like the previous time and wanted to latch you and let you sleep but you vomited again. Daddy and Mummy woke up and kept you company for 1-2 hours before you get back to sleep. Mummy was afraid that she passed her diarrhoea bacteria to you but luckily you did not vomit again after that.

You attended 2 weddings last weekend, both grooms are Daddy's secondary school friends so we met Daddy's friends for 2 consecutive nights. On the first night, other than Uncle peanut, you did not really want to let other uncles carry you but on the second night, maybe you started to recognize their faces and warm up to them, you let the Uncles carry you and you were being passed around the table and entertaining the Uncles.

Learning to crawl

Drinking from a cup

Cutting hair

Tuesday 10 July 2012


During the Taiwan trip, you started crawling with your tummy off the ground and stop using your face to move forward. Now, you are officially certified as a "crawler". These few days, you start to hold on to the side of the bed and stand up and you will be so proud of yourself that you managed to do it.

When Daddy changed into his jeans(with the noise from the belt), you know that he is going out and you will stop what you are doing and wants him to carry you. As you grow up, you get smarter and naughtier at the same time but we love you all the same. Stay healthy!!

You had a swim at Uncle Edmund's place on Monday and you had a great time. Mummy did not know how to use Daddy's phone to take video but we have some photos of you while you are in the pool with Daddy.

Monday 9 July 2012


We finally felt your teeth sprouting out last Saturday but only one teeth, we felt something sharp on your teeth. Hopefully, your the other teeth will sprout soon and we can feast together.

your fav pose recently

Sleeping while in our office

Tuesday 3 July 2012

1st vacation-Taiwan

We went Taiwan from 23 June 2012 to 2 July 2012. You had many of your "firsts" on this trip, first time taking plane, High Speed railway, MRT, train, bus and etc..

You feel asleep on the plane and when Mummy wants to place you in the bassinet, you woke up and started screaming and refused to sleep in the bassinet. Mummy and Daddy had to take turn to carry you to sleep.

Most of the time during the trip, you were sticking to us and refused to let 叔叔,爷爷 or 奶奶 to carry. It was a tiring but enjoyable trip for all of us. We had a great time and hope you did too.

Some "milestones":

  • You can sit yourself up from the lying down position
  • You can "slide" your way down the bed

Some photos of you during the trip