Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 27 January 2012

1st Lunar New Year

Ashton celebrated his 1st Lunar New Year with us.

My bestie bought him a traditional romper for this occasion (Thanks so much, Hoon!!) and he look like a big ang bao in it.  Everybody just adores him and wants to carry and play with him but due to the crowd at the various places that we went, he was pretty cranky and we have to pacify him every now and then.

He watched his first dragon and lion dance, all thanks to Uncle Edmund's dinner invitation. Hopefully next year during Lunar New Year, he will get another chance to watch it again and hopefully, he can appreciate it.

Not sure since when but baby boy knew how to flip from his back to his tummy but one of his hand always get caught halfway. He keep giggling nowadays and will laugh out loud. I will post about our visit to Sentosa for the flower exhibtion in the next post.

Monday 16 January 2012

Ashton's 1st night out

This is the first time Ashton did not sleep at my parents' place for the night. We move over to my parents-in-law's place for the night and baby ashton is really very 厉害。

I stepped into the house and passed my baby boy to my mother in law while I went upstairs to pack the stuff. About half an hour later, I hear my naughty boy's cry. I walked down and MIL was asking baby what's wrong and I started singing his favourite song-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he was alternating between his smile and pout.

He knows its night time and don't want to play with his grandma and he's looking for his caregivers. I brought him upstairs to play with his dad and he's all smiles again.

This morning, he was cranky and refuse to sleep, I had to bring him out to the garden for a walk and he slept after a 1 minute walk. Very naughty boy!! and now, he's sound asleep with his mouth wide open and I can have some rest.

Saturday 14 January 2012

First post for Baby Ashton

I always wanted to start a blog for my baby boy and finally gotten down to do it.

I am not a good writer and the main purpose of the blog is to document down Ashton's growth and milestones.

Let's start with his birth story.
I had light spotting on 30 Sep 2011, hubby sent me to the hospital in the morning and they advise us to go back citing I am not in labour yet. On 1 October around 10,11pm, I started timing my contraction while watching Liverpool's match, the contractions started getting more regular at midnight, hubby and I decided to admit to hospital again without the hospital bag cause we were worried that it might be a false alarm again. Arrived at 2am, I did the CTG and the gynae on duty confirmed that I am in Labour and 2cm dilated, Hubby went back to take my hospital bag and to return the car to my dad and he took a cab down.

The contractions were bearable, I was able to do my big business without medication. What I could not stand was not sleeping at 5am due to the contractions. Decided to get epidural and the experience was scary but I did not have a choice. Finally, I was able to get some sleep after the epidural at 8+,9am.. The gynae on duty kept coming in to check on me every 1,2 hrs but all they said was baby head is still high. They manually burst the water bag at ard 12pm.. After 12 hrs, at 2pm, I was 7cm dilated and I could feel something coming out and I get my hubby to check and he said there was alot of blood, my gynae took a look at the ctg and decided that I need to deliver via emergency c-sect as baby's heart beat drop with every contraction and it takes very long for it to recover back to the normal heartbeat.

Hubby kept asking if he can follow me in and the nurse said she has to checked with my gynae. I was pushed to the operation theatre and the gynae said hubby can follow me inside. Luckily I was on epidural before that and they just have to increase the dosage for the operation. "Cutting me up" was very swift and our darling boy was out at 3pm.. Hubby had to follow baby out for his checkup and I was left all alone, stitching me up took very long and I had some side effects-vomiting from the epidural. After about 1-2 hours, I was pushed out of the operating theatre and into the observation ward. After 15minutes, I heard hubby's voice and he wanted to come in to keep me company but the nurse on duty said cannot.

I asked the nurse when can I leave the room, she said your tummy has to be able to feel the ice pack first. After about an hour, I was finally able to leave the room and my hubby was waiting outside for me. So happy to see him standing there after being alone for so long.

This is such a long first post. I shall end with a few photos of baby Ashton.