Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 21 December 2012

Smelly boy

Today 外婆 went to the toilet and when she's out, she said you went into our room all by yourself(good boy) and fall asleep with poo on your butt. She had to wake you up to clean you up before letting you go back to sleep.

Funny things about you

  • You like to smell mummy's smelly blanket to sleep
  • When we are going out, you smile happily at the lift, run out of the lift like a horse out of its stable
  • Bite your fingers and move your salivated fingers all over your face
  • Play ipad very well with your little fingers
  • Has a very bad temper and scream at anything that upsets you or you cannot get.
  • you give goodbye kiss by putting your hand on your ear instead of your mouth
  • You know how to look at the camera when there's flash and you will give your best smile 

during your injection

Before your injection

Happy boy with Daddy

Partying and playing with your friends

Wednesday 21 November 2012


You were sick for very long this time round, 3-4 days of diarrhea followed by fever for 2 days and till now, you are still pooing 3 times a day. Luckily, despite all these, you are still an active and playful boy.

Monday 12 November 2012

Opening the door

Recently, from Daddy's bunch of keys, you can picked out the key to open the gate but due to your height, you can only poke the keys through the hole at the bottom of the gate.

Wednesday 24 October 2012


After endless laps of walking around the sofa, today, you can finally walk yourself without holding on to  thing/people but you tend to walk very fast and loss your balance. You refuse to let Mummy or Daddy to hold on to you and keep shaking our hands off but we are still very proud of you, baby boy!

A video of our runaway boy

Tuesday 16 October 2012

2nd vomit

You just vomited half an hour ago. This time round, daddy and mummy cleaned up the mess on the bed while wai po cleaned you.

You started with coughing and daddy was saying we must take cough medication from the PD this friday when we visit him for jabs and 10 minutes later you started vomiting.

Hopefully it's nothing serious and you won't vomit tomorrow.

Day 2

You vomit 3 more times the next day and Daddy and Mummy being paranoid, we brought you down to A&E at 2am. After hearing another Daddy mentioning that his daughter vomited 10 times since 10pm, we realised how paranoid we are and maybe we should not have made our way to the A&E. hehe.

You stopped vomiting after the anti-vomit medication but had diarrhea and had 4-5 times watery stool. You appetite was bad, could not take porridge, we changed your formula milk to soy based formula milk and your watery stool finally stop.

After the stomach flu episode, your runny nose and cough returned. Hopefully after all these, you can stay free from illness for this year. Stay healthy!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Happy Birthday! You turned one!!

Baby Boy, you turned one today! We went to the zoo with grandma to celebrate your birthday, we wanted to show you the animals in the zoo and more importantly, to play at the kidz world.

After walking around for 1-2 hours, you were tired but refused to take a nap. After struggling for around 30-45 minutes and changing hands a few time, you finally took a short nap and we make our way to kidz world, had KFC while you continue to nap.  As usual,you had a fun time splashing water, crawling around the area and playing with the slide.

Finally, we left the zoo at around 5+pm.

Last Sunday, we held a small birthday party at Mama's place, we decorated the place with helium-filled balloons but Mummy think you do not understand the concept of balloons yet. We burst a few balloons while pumping it, pumped a few mickey mouse balloons but you did not show much interest or react to either.

You were very happy when everyone gathered around you to sing Happy Birthday, you saw everyone clapping and started clapping with us.

Happy Birthday, Ashton!! May you always stay healthy and happy!

Monday 17 September 2012


Botanical Garden

Daddy went for an overseas business trip and mummy decided to bring you out to Botanical Garden for a walk with waipo and Hoon yiyi on last wednesday. We spent a few hours strolling around the place, we passed by a stream and waipo decided to take off your clothes and let you play water in it. You were very play and refused to leave the stream. (As usual).

Singapore Flyer

We took the Singapore Flyer yesterday with Mama and yi pos. Initially, you were very happy standing there biting the pole but as we get higher and higher, the sky gets darker and darker and you didn't really like it. We shall go there again when you are older.

This is the first time that you wore shoes out but you didn't like it and we had a hard time putting it on for

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Happy 11th months old!!

We celebrated the day with water time at Granny's place and after that we went to Daddy's cousin's place for a house warming celebration. You had strangers' anxiety and did not really want your grand-aunts to carry you but you had a fun time playing with their dog-Bubbles.

You were making a fuss starting from 8pm and we had to leave the celebration earlier at 9pm. Hopefully, you will outgrow it soon and play with your grand-aunts and cousins.
Nowadays, your favourite item is the packet drink
Having fun playing water

Playing with Bubbles

After awhile, it escalated to terrorising Bubbles

Videos of you playing and terrorising Bubbles

Happy 11 months old, Baby boy! A month later, we will be celebrating your one year old birthday. Mummy and Daddy is busy with your catering, cake, venue, decorations. We can't wait for you to turn one. On the actual day, we will bring you to the Zoo for our small celebration.

Stay healthy and happy, Darling Boy!

Sunday 26 August 2012

A day at RWS

Daddy and Mummy brought you to Hard Rock Hotel at Sentosa for a swim. Francesa yiyi had a room there and brought us to the pool, you had a fun time playing water with Daddy and baby Gaius.


After about an hour, you were tired, make some noise and wanted Mummy to carry you. While walking around RWS, you were so tired after the water session that you fell asleep in the carrier.. We had dinner, took a stroll around RWS and stayed for the Crane dance, there were some fireworks at the end of the show but you were not afraid of the noise and just stared at the fireworks. Let's make a visit back to RWS when you are older.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Learning to stand

Recently, while standing you will let go your hands and stand unsupported for 10,20 seconds.

Nowadays, Daddy, Mummy and grandmas had a hard time taking care of you cause you are getting more mobile and keep moving around the house non-stop i.e. crawling, moving around with the walker. We are exhausted just chasing and looking after you and it's a good exercise for us.
Your 2 small teeth

Having a sweet dreams
Cheeky boy

Pooing time

Playing ball with Daddy

Monday 6 August 2012

Clapping hands

Nowadays, when you are happy, you will clap your hand to show it.. Eg. During your favourite video, when you watch tv with daddy and mummy, when we are leaving the house.Your second teeth is slowly appearing and the teething woes are back, making noise for no reason, wanting someone to bring you out for a walk.

You always bully mummy cause mummy always let you have your way. When Mummy is using laptop or iPad, you will come over and make noise until Mummy let you have it but when Daddy is using it, you never disturb him. After Mummy passed the iPad to you and on your favorite video, you will be happy and sit down and watch your video.A video of you having macdonald's breakfast

Playing swing

As you get bigger, the car seat seems smaller for you

Photos of you in the car seat when you were younger

Thursday 26 July 2012

Cute act

Last night, you were flippping around the bed and refused to sleep. Mummy were hugging you and started singing you nursery rhymes, mummy got tired and Daddy started singing and you moved over and leaned on Daddy. hehe. You are acting as if you must be near to the person who is singing to you and Mummy found it so sweet that you automatically move towards Daddy when he is singing for you.

We received a hand me down playpen from our neighbour and you like to me in it, holding on to the side walking around it, watching tv from it.

Most importantly, Mummy heard you calling "mama" yesterday for the first time, about 2-3 months after you learnt how to call "dada". Love you, baby boy!

Sexy boy

<--Standing up and grabbing everything within reach

Trapped in a basket-->

Legendary eyelid and the cute mouth