Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 16 October 2012

2nd vomit

You just vomited half an hour ago. This time round, daddy and mummy cleaned up the mess on the bed while wai po cleaned you.

You started with coughing and daddy was saying we must take cough medication from the PD this friday when we visit him for jabs and 10 minutes later you started vomiting.

Hopefully it's nothing serious and you won't vomit tomorrow.

Day 2

You vomit 3 more times the next day and Daddy and Mummy being paranoid, we brought you down to A&E at 2am. After hearing another Daddy mentioning that his daughter vomited 10 times since 10pm, we realised how paranoid we are and maybe we should not have made our way to the A&E. hehe.

You stopped vomiting after the anti-vomit medication but had diarrhea and had 4-5 times watery stool. You appetite was bad, could not take porridge, we changed your formula milk to soy based formula milk and your watery stool finally stop.

After the stomach flu episode, your runny nose and cough returned. Hopefully after all these, you can stay free from illness for this year. Stay healthy!

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