You can sing songs very well now (at least to Daddy and Mummy), you can sing alphabet song, hokkien song. When you say eieio, we will have to sing Old Macdonald have a farm, when you say abcd........,we will have to sing the alphabet song.
We received a progress report from your school and you have a lot of areas to improve on but you are perfect to us just the way you are. We do try and read, write and play with you. Glad to hear from your teachers that you enjoyed class although mummy will be happier if you can sit through your lessons instead of walking around.
Photos of you and Ashley

We received a progress report from your school and you have a lot of areas to improve on but you are perfect to us just the way you are. We do try and read, write and play with you. Glad to hear from your teachers that you enjoyed class although mummy will be happier if you can sit through your lessons instead of walking around.
Photos of you and Ashley