Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday 8 February 2014

LNY 2014

Your school has a LNY celebration in school and parents are invited too. Daddy and Mummy went and stood in a corner to observe how are you in school without us around. You were sitting right in front (either the teachers like you a lot or you are very active and need special attention, mummy thinks its the latter), you were watching the brothers and sisters performing on stage and were enjoying the songs. Mummy was heavily pregnant and one of the teachers there noticed it and offered to bring mummy a chair for me to sit but Mummy said its ok and its only for a short while.

After a while, you were getting tired and started to fuss and Mummy "appeared" to tend to you, you were very happy to see me and wants me to carry you but Mummy could only hold your hand and stood next to you.

We went to the usual places for LNY visitations and you had a great time playing at their places.