Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday 11 January 2014

Pre Nursery at St Joseph Church Kindergarten

You started attending St Hoseph Church Kindergarten this week, Daddy and Mummy accompanied you there for your first day at school and Mummy accompanied you on the second day and we took the school bus back together after that.

The classroom is spacious, very airy and non air-conditioned. There is a English teacher, Chinese teacher and a teacher assistant who will be with you during class. The first two days there were for you to get used to the environment and hence, the teacher only say a story and sing songs with you on both days. Hopefully you will get use to the new environment as soon as possible and enjoy your time there.

A light lunch is provided during class and mummy like that cause it teaches you how to self-feed and not rely too much on us to feed you.