Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Fun Day at Animal Resort (Seletar farmway)

Last Sunday, we met with Daddy's friends for Lunch, after that they wanted to go to somewhere else for dessert but we skipped that as were really full and Daddy has a sore throat. Instead, we brought you to the Animal Resort.

You love animals and you were never afraid to chase them around. It was fun watching you chasing the chickens, ducks, cranes and feeding the horse. You enjoyed feeding the horse and kept on giggling and Daddy went to buy more horse feed (carrot) to let you continue feeding the horse. Mummy was carrying you and there was a mis-aim and your hand was in the horse mouth too but you laughed it off instead of being scared.

The rabbits there should be very well-fed as they are not interested in the rabbit feed. Chickens are scared of human and ran away every time we got too near. Ducks are oblivious to the surrounding and the feed have to land right in front of them before they will eat it. The horse is very tame and will come near us when we have food for it. After us, a Caucasian couple came with the son and the Uncle taught us how we should feed the horse but he came too late and we ran out of food, he said we should placed the food on our palm instead of holding it out to him, if we hold it out, our fingers might be bitten. Mummy thinks that was what happened to you. hehe.. Next time we will be more careful when feeding the horse.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Star Tots Playgroup

We decided to enrol you at the Star tots daily playgroup across the street once you turn 18 months this April and stop your weekend playgroup at GUG (Daddy said its too far away).

We are allowed to accompany you for 1 hour at your daily playgroup for the first 3 days, waipo left you there alone for the first 2 days and when mummy send you there on the third day, you pulled mummy into the classroom. You enjoyed yourself playing with the toys and Teacher Esther's singing but you still tend to roam around the classroom as and when you like. The fourth day, you had to be on your own in the classroom for 2 hours and when waigong and waipo went to pick you up, Teacher Esther said you kept crying in the classroom and you were all smiles when they went to pick you up. 

Now, you are very wary of entering other people's house for fear that they might "locked" you up. You used to walk into our neighbour's place like you are staying there but today you do not even dare to step in. 

Hopefully, you will get used to it soon and enjoy your playgroup for the future lessons, make more friends and be more disclipined.
Posing for photo
Spotted your bag at the door

Off you go without your shoes

Mummy caught you back to put on your shoes

Playing toys

Smiling at the camera