Daddy and Mummy brought you to Hard Rock Hotel at Sentosa for a swim. Francesa yiyi had a room there and brought us to the pool, you had a fun time playing water with Daddy and baby Gaius.
After about an hour, you were tired, make some noise and wanted Mummy to carry you. While walking around RWS, you were so tired after the water session that you fell asleep in the carrier.. We had dinner, took a stroll around RWS and stayed for the Crane dance, there were some fireworks at the end of the show but you were not afraid of the noise and just stared at the fireworks. Let's make a visit back to RWS when you are older.
Recently, while standing you will let go your hands and stand unsupported for 10,20 seconds.
Nowadays, Daddy, Mummy and grandmas had a hard time taking care of you cause you are getting more mobile and keep moving around the house non-stop i.e. crawling, moving around with the walker. We are exhausted just chasing and looking after you and it's a good exercise for us.
Nowadays, when you are happy, you will clap your hand to show it.. Eg. During your favourite video, when you watch tv with daddy and mummy, when we are leaving the house.Your second teeth is slowly appearing and the teething woes are back, making noise for no reason, wanting someone to bring you out for a walk. You always bully mummy cause mummy always let you have your way. When Mummy is using laptop or iPad, you will come over and make noise until Mummy let you have it but when Daddy is using it, you never disturb him. After Mummy passed the iPad to you and on your favorite video, you will be happy and sit down and watch your video.A video of you having macdonald's breakfast
Playing swing
As you get bigger, the car seat seems smaller for you
Photos of you in the car seat when you were younger