Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 23 April 2012

PD checkup at 6 months old

On 20 April, you had your PD appointment at NUH. As usual, Dr P C Chan was very nice and ask us if we have any queries and etc. At 6 months +, you are 72cm (90percentile) and 8.78kg (75 percentile) with a head circumference of 45cm.

After the checkup, its injection time and you had 2 jabs(6-in-1 and pneumococcal ). When the nurse use the alcohol swab to clean the injection area, you seems to know that injection is coming and paused and started crying when the medication went in. For the second jab, you started fidgeting when the nurse hold on to your thigh to clean the area, our poor boy cried so badly for both jabs. Don't worry about injections, ok? Cause your next checkup will be when you are 1 year old.

We had a bbq at Uncle Edmund's place and due to the injection, you were a bit cranky and the uncles and yiyi around did not get to carry you for long and around 9+,10pm, you only wanted us to carry you. Hopefully, on our next visit to Uncle Edmund's place, you can have a dip in his pool. hehe.
Smiling really happily when Fiona yiyi is carrying you

Walking by the pool

Junwan yiyi carrying you while mummy trying to distract you with her hand

You used to eat watermelon at Grandma's place but you were not too happy that day with the watermelon maybe it's due to your jab or the watermelon is not cold

Wednesday 18 April 2012


 We bought a baby carrier for you so that we can use it for our upcoming Taiwan Trip with you. We tried it out for a few strolls in the park and you like sitting in it or rather, you enjoy "eating" it. Here is the proof.

Nowadays, when your grandpa goes out without you, you will scream at them and want to follow them out. We were at grandparents' place, mummy was bathing and daddy was looking after you,  grandpa wanted to go running so he said byebye to you, left the house and you screamed at him, he turned back and asked what's wrong and your poor daddy has to bring you out for a stroll. Sometimes we really wonder are you smart or just naughty.

Bathing shoot!

 We brought you  for a stroll at Woodlands waterfront last weekend, it was sunny and pretty crowded. You sat in your pram and was more interested with your pram than the surrounding. Hope we can venture out to more parks in the future and when you can walk, you can enjoy yourself at the playgrounds. Mummy will add in the photos from the park later.

You can finally flip from your tummy back to your front and do a 360 degrees flip but your tummy is still struck to the bed and it seems like we have to wait a little bit longer before you start crawling